Our Guests


We are inviting all musicians regardless of style that you like and play, performers, conductors, composers, people who simply love music and cannot live without it, people who work with music or musicians, or who does it just for pleasure, music teachers and listeners, movie makers and professional photographers, that were lucky to catch a very interesting event, concert, or unique person known in the music world.

If you are ready to share your experience with others, tell about yourself, what music did to you, and what place music takes in your life. Let's do that together! You can write an article and publish it on this web site. You can place samples with your music or your performance, links to your web sites, your contact information, etc. People need to know you and about you! The best articles will be published on this site and kept forever to let people read them. You can also use the direct link to your own article and send it to your friends.

If you have any troubles typing, preparing or formatting your article we will help you to make it real. You can include any music or video fragments if there is no conflict with the copyright owner of these fragments. If you want to do that make sure that you have all the required documents. If you don't have that proof and don't provide it to us, and this is not something that you created yourself, we cannot use these materials on our web site.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We are looking forward to see you as our authors!

Email: Contact@USAPiano.com  or use our contact form.

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